Founder's Message
Dr. Rod Parsley with Ashton Parsley, Valor’s Student Pastor
Thank you for visiting the website of Valor Christian College, the School of the Spirit. Valor is a response to God’s direction to me to build an educational system that honors Him and prepares men and women to influence lives for the Kingdom’s sake in every sphere of society.
At Valor Christian College, you will receive not only a rigorous education that will prepare you for the next chapter in your life, but also an impartation of the anointing that is on my life and ministry. Our staff and faculty is both academically qualified and passionately committed to your growth in your relationship with the Lord. Whether you interact with them on campus or online, what you receive from them will be as important as the subject matter they teach.
God is using Valor graduates in every walk of life to change this world for the Kingdom’s sake, because they were trained for that task here. In addition to your classwork here, you’ll engage in practical ministry experience, both as a student body and through our connection to one of the great local churches in America. World Harvest Church and its local, national and worldwide outreaches provide an excellent training ground for our students.
Valor is a “School of the Spirit” for Spirit-led, Spirit-filled, Spirit-anointed life and ministry. I believe that during your time with us, you will receive an anointing that will help bring forth the end-time harvest around the world.
I encourage you to check out the rest of this website and then pray for God’s direction on how you can seize the opportunity to fulfill your destiny in His Kingdom. I look forward to meeting you on campus and ultimately to shaking your hand as you receive your degree from Valor Christian College!
Yours for the Harvest,
Dr. Rod Parsley
Founder & Chancellor